Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Eco-friendly Flannel Toner Pads

A new year calls for some new projects! Some I want to share and make are eco-friendly in nature. I want to have less wasteful items that I use daily in the home and even my beauty routine. Enter: re-useable toner pads.

What I used for these are flannel pieces, three layers total. This gives some thickness and any toner absorbed won't simply drip out of the fabric. You could also add a layer of another fabric if you want this to be thick and absorbent.

I decided to make my toner pads round, so I found a suitable circle shaped object and simply traced it. You can pin your layers together, with a traced shape, then cut! This will save you time and makes sure the shapes are all matching.

I made three rounds total, so see how I liked the size. You can make as many as you please or simply start with one and decide from there. Once you have the pieces cut, you should pin them together. You want any printed side facing IN, as after sewing, you TURN your shape inside out. 

As an added pretty detail I put a small ribbon loop. If you decide on something similar, be sure the loop end is facing inside, as shown above. This loop is also handy for later on: you can easily hang the toner pad up to dry! When you sew your toner pad be sure to leave about 1 inch that you do not sew, you need an area to turn this inside out. 

Once you turn the toner pad inside out, you can hand sew that small opening. I decided to add some decorative stitching on the edges of mine. If you machine has this feature be sure to test it on a scrap piece of fabric beforehand. That way you can decide how close to the edge a design will stitch.

my finished, re-useable toner pads

edge design and ribbon detailing

This is a nice DIY project for those wanting to try the fancy stitching on your machine. It's also a nice project if you want to introduce more washable, less wasteful, home and beauty items. Cotton pads and makeup wipes end up in landfills. If you want to aim to reduce waste you can easily introduce these into your home and routine. They offer a nice product that is less wasteful, washable, lasts years and you can customize them how you please. If you enjoy what I share and make be sure to visit my Etsy shop and Instagram