Hello, how are you? The air is crisp, the weather has cooled and foliage is ready to begin! If you've been following me on Instagram you will see I've been quite busy. So I will share a few more things in this post that I had shared briefly in IG.
I love thrift store finds and this sweater was one of them. But it had a hole at the sleeve near a seam. So how do you go about fixing this up? I decided to crochet the hole to repair it. I used embroidery floss that matched the peachy color.
A very small crochet hook and peachy floss
I turned the sleeve inside out, so I worked in the back section. This better allowed me to crochet into some of the loose yarn on the sweater. The goal was to close the hole and not leave any of those loops of yarn un-crocheted. This closed the hole while having some matching floss and since it was no bigger then a quarter in size, it's not that noticeable. You could use this method on most sweaters and you don't need to be fancy in the repairs.
I've begun some Halloween projects I want to list on my Etsy shop! I decided on some drawstring bags with themes on them. So far I have two in the works, as seen below. I hand stitched the jack-o-lantern and black cat. I then stitched them to my chosen fabric.
The black cat has such fine details to the fur! I gave it texture and whiskers along with a little nose and bright eyes. The drawstring bags I have made from scratch! No pre-purchased, pre-made bags here! I really value making and offering quality, handmade items for sale.
details of the jack-o-lantern bag
If you have followed either of my Instagram pages: one
for my Etsy and crafting, one for
my photography, then you will recognize these floral crowns. I absolutely love making them for the seasons! I may even have one made in time for winter to sell in my Etsy shop (so follow my Instagram accounts to find out!). This is my autumn/later summer themed floral crown.
my handmade floral crown
summer solstice
I use faux flowers so you can keep the crowns and wear them for years to come. But in the past I've also made some from natural resources and they lasted about a week or less. They are a real passion for me and I want to share them with others. Be it for dress up, a special occasion or festivals, they have many uses. I plan them out from the faux flowers and foliage I pick. They often have a color scheme and I just work on them organically, letting the vision of what I'd like it to be flow.
I hope you've enjoyed these photos and crafty updates! Be sure to visit my Instagram accounts and see what I'm up to, along with videos regularly.